Community Science/Citizen Science opportunities
There are many citizen science programs across the country (and globally) that folks can contribute to. Additionally, there are locally-based programs that recruit volunteers regularly. CGC is compiling a list of high quality national programs focused on plants, pollinators and urban ecology. Contact your local/regional nature musuems, universities and preserves (or do a quick internet search with your region highlighted) to find out if there is a local program recruiting volunteers. Crowd-sourced data is being utilized at a rapid pace by many scientists. Your contributions make a difference.
See an example from the USA-National Phenology Network here
For all you DIY Community Scientists...
There are so many resources to help get you started or deepen your knowledge in the world of ecological monitoring and habitat implementation. From new mobile apps to websites where you can create your own citizen science monitoring program to forums for cutting edge dialogue, we have the abiity to participate as an active community member making a difference in our own lives and the lives of others. Below are some opportunities and resources to explore:

Forums with great dialogue and information:
The Nature of Cities: a virtual magazine and discussion site on cities as ecosystems. It is a global collective of contributors, an essay, long-form, media, and discussion site—an idea hive—devoted to cities as social-ecological spaces, ecosystems of people, buildings, open spaces, and nature.

Become an NYPP Partner Site
NYPP partner sites have land and dedicated staff to manage a phenology trail or site and interface between community members, teachers school groups and USA-NPN. If you think your organization or school can house a phenology trail or site, please use the contact form found here to begin the process of getting set up as a node in the network!

BRing phEnology into your classroom
USA-NPN, their geogrpahic affilates and educators who've worked with them have all put together amazing resources to bring phenology into the classroom. For a list of resources by type, visit the project budburst or USA-NPN education page.

Contribute your photos to our species profile project
We are asking volunteers for photos of the species we are targeting to help devleop eudcation and identification resources for the network. If you are photogrpahically inclinded and would allow us to use your photos for educational purposes, please contact us for further details!

Donate to the project
We are looking for funding to help schools and partner sites get established. Community Greenways Collaborative (CGC) is managing the New York Phenology Project. Please visit CGC or contact us if you are interested in a tax deductible donation to help keep this network strong and vibrant.