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TRaining and Workshops 


Education is central to CGC's mission. We lead and facilitate training sessions, teaching/professional development workshops focused on citizen/community science, ecological monitoring, plant/pollinator connectivity, phenology and more.


Selected recent talks and workshops include:


  • A Pollinator for Every Classroom: Gardening for Wildlife at School and Beyond: A Hands-on Professional Development Workshop for K-12 Educators 


  • Citizen scientists on the phenological frontier: Data accuracy and models of networked initiatives. Conference talk: Catskill Environmental Research and Monitoring


  • Global Change Impacts on Plants and Pollinators: What is happening and what can we do? Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, NYC


  • Zen and the Art of Ecological Maintenance: Why monks make the best phenologists. Zen Mountain Monastary, Mt. Tremper NY.


  • Gardening for Pollinators in NYC: A Teacher Workshop: An Introduction to “Growing a Wild Brooklyn & Queens” for K-12 Educators. Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, NYC


  • Gardening for Pollinators: Taking the Common Core Outdoors: A partnership between NWF Eco-Schools USA, NYC DOE and PS 6, Grow to Learn, Community  Greenways Collaborative, City Parks Foundation, Butterfly Project NYC

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